How to naturally increase testosterone?

How to naturally increase testosterone?

Testosterone (TST) is a key androgenic hormone that has a vital role on men's health, but also on the health of women, even though men's levels of testosterone are significantly higher. Testosterone is considered a symbol of manliness and strength and everyone who is interested in their physical or mental health should know something about it.

The levels of testosterone affect a wide range of body functions, from support of muscle mass growth and maintenance of healthy bone mass to regulations of sexual functions and overall vitality. Even though the levels of TST are naturally decreasing with age, there are ways how to support organically its production through workout, diet, lifestyle, or appropriate food supplements.

Lift heavy weights, but don't forget to rest!

Strength workout is one of the most effective ways how to naturally increase levels of testosterone.

Studies show that exercises with load such as squats, benchpress, or deadlifts may significantly increase testosterone production not only short-term after the workout, but that they also support the maintenance of its higher levels in the long run. Emphasis on large muscle groups and exercises with heavier weights and fewer repetitions (approx. 4-8 reps in a seris) are especially efficient.

The ability to increase testosterone production was also proved for plyometric training (sprtins, jumps, and other dynamic techniques) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Solely aerobic workout is great for cardiovascular health and helps to maintain overall physical condition, but its excessive incorporation into your workout may lead to decrease in testosterone levels, mainly in cases of high energy deficit and if the regeneration time is neglected.

Periodization also has its meaning when building muscle mass and strength. Changing phases of intense strength and dynamic exercises with phases of lighter workout or aerobic activities may help to maintain the body in an optimal condition and avoid overtraining.

In summary, sufficient rest in between different parts of our training is key for hormonal balance and as a prevention of testosterone decrease due to overtraining.

Exposure to cold and cold-shocking may also, based on some studies, have a positive effect on the levels of TST. Nevertheless, further research is needed in order to better understand the connections and obtaining consistent results.

Testosterone nutrition

The composition of our diet has the same key role in regulating hormonal levels (TST included) as the workout does. It is important to focus on a balanced diet rich in quality protein including enough unsaturated, but also saturated, fats - yes, we talk about animal fat. And also a diet with a limited intake of refined carbohydrates.

While monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for cardiovascular health, saturated fats and cholesterol have a major role in testosterone production. These components and precursors for the synthesis of steroid hormones, including testosterone, and their adequate intake is essential for optimal hormonal functions.

That is why it is important to find the right balance and think not only of the testosterone levels, but also of the health of our heart and vessels.

Saturated fats are abundant in dairy products, red meat, and other, usually animal, sources of fat. These sources may help to support testosterone production, but it is vital to care for the overall calorie intake and the quality of the foodstuff.

Cholesterol that occurs in eggs or other animal foods is another key building unit for testosterone. The research implies that consumption of eggs may have positive effect on testosterone levels without negatively affecting the blood lipid profile for majority of people. Individuals who already face higher levels of cholesterol should however beware of excessive cholesterol intake.

Vitamins and minerals that might be insufficient

One of the most significant micronutrients contributing to testosterone production are vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium.

If you think about implementing some supplements into your diet and you are unsure which supplements are the most important for you, we would recommend magnesium, vitamin D, and omega-3. All these substances are usually deficit for majority of people, whether we talk about the general population or pro-athletes.

And if you think about trying something new, you might go for the Ayurvedic herb supplement Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that is traditionally used in the Ayurvedic medicine. Several studies imply that it may contribute to optimalizing testosterone levels. Its use is connected to decreasing stress and anxiety, which may indirectly contribute to normal testosterone levels thanks to decreasing levels of cortisol - a stress hormone that may unfavourably affect production of testosterone.

Another alternative how to support optimal hormonal activity and reproductive system is puncture vine or Tribulus terrestris. It is one of the most popular food supplements among sportsmen thanks to its contribution to optimal activity of the nervous system and maintenance of normal muscle tension.

Limiting alcohol and xenoestrogens

As many of you know, consumption of alcohol negatively affect testosterone production. It might seem that avoiding alcohol completely is the best choice, but already the reduction of alcohol intake may strongly help us with natural increase of TST levels. While one glass of wine or half a liter beer will have a smaller effect on your testosterone, a big party can decrease its levels for many days ahead.

Furthemore, it is suitable to avoid higher exposition to xenoestrogens - chemicals, that imitate estrogen in our body and which may impair our natural hormonal balance.

These primarily include pesticides, phthalates, and parabenes.

Pesticides are present on almost all fruits and vegetables that we bring home from the supermarket. It is highly recommended to wash fruits and veggies thoroughly with water and salt before consuming them, or ideally let them sit for 15-20 mins in a dilution of water and baking soda (or salt or vinegar) and then rinse them well.

Phthalates are chemical compounds that are often used as softeners in plastics such as PVC or in fragrances, cosmetics, and other products. They are potentially harmful to human health because they may act as endocrine disruptors and have negative effct on hormonal balance and reproductive system.

The potentially most harmful are those phthalates that are contained in foodstuff packaging, cosmetics, or other personal care products, that come into direct contact with skin or mucous membranes.

Another dangerous substances are parabenes in cosmetics, which is the reason why it is suitable to read the formulas. The problem may also be the consumption of parabens from plastics, mainly those that are repeatedly heated or used and that may release dangerous bisphenols BPA and BPS.

More sleep, less stress

Quality sleep is essential for proper production and regulation of hormones, including testosterone. Sleep deficit may significantly increase its levels. Adults should aim to sleep for 7-9 hours each night and it is also important to set the bedtime and alarm clock for the same, or at least similar, times.

Chronic stress also leads to increased production of cortisol and the best way to regulate is - you know that - do sports.

Putting yourself at the last place usually does not serve us, nor the people around us. If you want to improve quality of your life, do not postpone activites that you enjoy to your retirement, but regularly brighten your duties up with activities that bring you joy.


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